We had an ice storm here so the kids had a two hour delay this morning. This has thrown a kink into my entire morning. I was going to write one of those nice, feel-good posts but it will have to wait. I have an ugly pile of paper work full of medical bills glaring at me that has to be dealt with today.
So I have two things for your entertainment pleasure…
My eight year old came home from school on Monday and wanted to go on this website. She got the link at school. I told her I wanted to check the site out first to make sure it was “safe”. She rolled her eyes at me and after I got to the site I completely understood. Then we spent the next hour on the website. It’s safe for kids, work and adults.
This next piece of entertainment is something I stumbled upon this morning after Dude sent me a link to a video. It was a band singing, “The Dingo Ate Your Baby”. I’ve been a huge Seinfeld fan since the show first aired in the early 90s. When the show went off the air in May of 1997 I cried. Thank God there’s a rerun on every channel, every night.
So, I found this compilation and thought I’d share it. Please enjoy!
I’ve been under the weather thanks to a bug my youngest daughter brought home from school the other day. It’s taken everything I have to lift my head off the couch.
Then Dude insisted on making me go Christmas shopping on Friday. He wondered why I was so unpleasant and I wondered why I ended up on the couch the rest of the day.
In the meanwhile more birthday presents have been showing up!
From Mattie I received two books. One of them is Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture. I read it cover to cover over coffee on Friday morning and it was awesome. In fact I’m going to read it again this morning. You should read it because it will change the way you feel about life. Thanks Mattie!
Mrs. RobbieD sent me warm fuzzy socks. I LOVE warm fuzzy socks. Now I have a pair for every day of the week and can wear them 24/7. Thanks Mrs. RobbieD!
Heather sent me the matching amber sunshine necklace to my earrings. It’s so pretty! Thanks Heather!
I also received a pair of silver earrings that mean a lot to me but I’m not sure who sent them. This is the third pair of these earrings that I’ve had. I replaced them two years ago when Dude and I went to Mexico but lost them nine months ago. I’ve just always loved them. They look like teardrops. If you sent them please email me so I can thank you!
Thank you to everyone who is making my birthday special this year. Your gifts are lifting my spirits in ways that you cannot imagine.
In exactly ONE month from TODAY on December 28th, I will celebrate another birthday. Unfortunately my birthday falls in between Christmas and New Years and most people forget. This could be my last birthday so I want it to be THE BEST birthday ever.
I’m hoping my sister, step-mother and I can go to the same Japanese restaurant this year for dinner. What a fabulous dinner we had last year.
I want tons of birthday cards and gifts this year so I’m shamlessly posting my Amazon Wish List. Yes, I know there is a bad economy and everyone has to buy holiday gifts but it is not my fault that I was born on December 28th.
I’ve been feeling kind of stuck this week. I sit in front of my computer and draw a complete blank. I can’t think of anything to write about. It’s like something is holding me back.
And it is, but I can’t discuss it.
Some people can let things roll off of them and let things go. I eventually get there but it takes me a while. I seek the advice of good friends. Then I patiently allow time do its thing.
In the meantime I find myself unable to write. I also find myself questioning whether I want to continue doing this.
Perhaps the break I’ve been taking will help me figure it all out.